Fallout 76 player glitches inside sealed Vault 63

FO76 Caps Just when you thought it had gone a bit quiet on the weird news pertaining to Fallout 76 front another story pops up: a player has stumbled accidentally into an unfinished area known as Vault 63.

A Fallout 76 player accidentally clipped into and was stuck inside the supposedly inaccessible Vault 63 — a sealed area players believe may be the scene of some upcoming story extension or DLC. After radioing for help from Bethesda Game Studios itself they managed to get free on their own but still have the lingering worry of a ban or another sanction.

Vault 63 is located in Fallout 76’s Ash Heap region in the southwest of the map. The entrance is inside a small cave that is accessed through the door of a shack outside. A terminal by the sealed Vault 63 door has a keycard slot that accepts a “Vault 63 access ID card,” implying that there’s some way to get inside — which McStaken has now confirmed.

The player posting on McStaken on Reddit said the game warped them into the vault during a Rad-Rat Horde event. Other players in the Reddit thread have been through the same thing with the game spawning them inside the vault cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Capsat the start of an event and the only way to leave is to fast travel out. McStaken is worried about being banned so they've submitted a support ticket to Bethesda telling the developer what happened.

There you go then. Another unlikely Fallout 76 story has unfurled but at least this one has a happy ending. As more news comes to light we'll be sure to keep you updated. It'll be interesting to see what this vault is actually for...

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